BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Regional Aesthetic Training Day Birmingham on Facial aesthetics and Non surgical techniques UID:94 DESCRIPTION:We are very pleased to confirm the programme below for the Friday 29 June 2018 at the Botanical Gardens, Birmingham on facial surgical and non-surgical aesthetics.  \n\n8:30 - 09:00 Registration\n\n09:00 - 09:15   Welcome/Introduction\n\nSession 1Chair Mr Srinivasan\n\n09:15 - 09:45   Assessing Facial Aesthetics Mr Ragoowansi \n\n09:45 - 10:15   Lasers Mr Sankar\n\n10:15 - 10:25   Sponsors Talk Mentor\n\n10:25 - 10:55   Facelifts Mr Sankar\n\n10:55 - 11:15   Refreshments \n\n11:15 - 11:45   Liposuction/Lipofilling  Mr Mehboob\n\n11:45 - 12:00   Chin augmentation with Facelift  Mr Vadodaria\n\n12:00 - 12:25   Round Table discussions: Fillers in the nasojugal crease  Chair Mr Sankar/Mr Mehboob Ali \n\n12:25 - 13:15   Lunch\n\nSession 2Chair Mr Das Gupta \n\n13:15 - 13:45   Otoplasty Mr Vadodaria\n\n13:45 - 14:15   Brow Lift  Mr Nishikawa\n\n14:15 - 14: 25   Sponsors Talk GC Aesthetics\n\n14:25 - 14:55    My Journey of setting up an Aesthetics Practice  Mr Vadodaria\n\n14.55 – 15.05    Sponsors Talk (TBC)\n\n15.05 – 15.25   Refreshments \n\nSession 3Chair Mr Vadodaria \n\n15:25 - 16:55    Blepharoplasty Mr Vijh\n\n15:55 - 16:10    Non-surgical Aesthetics  Mr Vijh\n\n16:10 - 16:25    Round Table Discussions - Improving Aesthetic Surgery Experience Chair Ms Chipp/Mr Srinivasan \n\n16:25 - 17:00    Feedback \n\nWith thanks to the faculty:\n\nMr Jeyaram Srinivasan: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Royal Preston and BAAPS National Training Lead Mr Rana Das Gupta: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire Mr Ragoowansi: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Harley Street London Mr Hiroshi Nishikawa: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Birmingham Children's Hospital Mr Vikram Vijh: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Mr Shailesh Vadodaria: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Harley Street LondonMr Thangasamy Sankar: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Kettering Hospital Mr Mehboob Ali: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Russells Hall HospitalThis programme earned 6 CME points. \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20180629T073000Z DTEND:20180629T163000Z LOCATION:The Birmingham Botanical Gardens END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR