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Anatomical Basis of Restoration & Rejuvenation of the Male & Female Facial Profile Non-surgica

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This modern “hands on” fresh cadaver wet-lab is a current scientific evidence based look at assessing and restoring the facial profile. The course is run by industry recognised clinical and anatomical trainers, who are avid proponents of the anatomical concept of facial restoration with the aim of promoting safe aesthetic practice amongst medical professionals.

Delegates will get a comprehensive understanding of facial anatomical layers using fresh cadavers and prosections. They will practice anatomical surface marking on fresh frozen cadavers, with an emphasis on avoiding critical neurovascular anatomy in upper, mid and lower face.

The “wet-lab” will cover basic, intermediate and advanced safe reproducible filler injection techniques for the most clinically relevant facial areas, specially addressing how to improve the facial profile taking into account 3-Dimensional facial evaluation, with specific attention to the difference in restoring angles of the facial profile in men and women, to improve the forehead, nose, chin and jawline, using different types of fillers.

They will also learn how to avoid complications from poor technique and inappropriate patient selection. This one-day simulation “wet-lab” will provide small group, hands on practical training, so that delegates will be confident in facial anatomy, understand the concepts of surgical facial assessment applied to non surgical treatments and improve assessment and deliver safe outcomes.



Dissecting Room, Anatomy Department, Kings College London, 2nd Floor, Hodgkin Building, Guys Campus, SE1 1UL

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